
Welcome, here you will find my interests in design, music, creativity, food, art and technology. 

App - Thunderspace

App - Thunderspace

Sometimes I have a hard time shutting down to go to sleep, and nothing soothes me more then the sound of rain. This app provides some of the better sounding rain loops that i have heard. Thunderspace developers have recorded rain in various places using stereoscopic recording to provide a "true to natural" sound scape. 

It makes a big difference when listening too, you can almost imagine that you are literally hearing it outside your window. The UI is slick and the way the app integrates the camera flash is a surprise. If you love soundscapes and relaxing rain sound download this app, put your headphones on and enjoy. 

Download it here:




Box - Projection Mapping and 3D moving surfaces.

Box - Projection Mapping and 3D moving surfaces.

Amazing 3D - 2D Paintings by Juan Miguel Palacios

Amazing 3D - 2D Paintings by Juan Miguel Palacios